New Forest Log Cabins

New Forest Log Cabins

Client: New Forest Log Cabins
Company: Intergage
Date: Jan 2013

The Challenge

New Forest Log Cabins came to us to overhaul their website to better promote their work in addition to providing information for people looking to develop a log cabin within the UK.

The navigation of the new website required extra attention due to the fact that there are many categories that contain a large majority of varying log structures, which needed to be re-organised and re-structured in order to make navigation as simple as possible for people to find examples that suited them.

The large number of log cabins also were inconsistent and had varying amounts of content which needed to be addressed and organised to provide a simpler and more uniform experience for visitors.

NFLC Home iPad

The Process & Result

The process started off with re-organising the category structure to accommodate the wide range of log cabin types and then focusing on clearing up and re-arranging the content.

Once the content had been finalised, the planning and wireframe process began using the categories as a focus and clear call to actions to invite viewers to schedule a callback or get in contact.

The design also  had to reflect the nature of the products that they are selling so the background mimics the log cabin structure with a nice wood panel effect.

NFLC Navigation View

To improve navigation, category call-to-actions were created to provide a visual representation of each log cabin type.